Our FolderGrid WebApp makes the organization of content so simple and fast that some users may be tempted to frequently modify your Domain folder structures. The good news on this front is that since FolderGrid is a cloud-based file server, a "move" operation doesn't actually involve the physical movement of any files or content - so there is no risk of loss during a move like there can be for a move of files and folders across physical hard disks. However, an unexpected or unauthorized move of vital content can be disruptive for your organization and is certainly something to be avoided.

FolderGrid supports a simple preventative measure for restricting such activity. You can simply remove FULL_CONTROL permission on your Folders from non Administrators and grant your users WRITE permission instead.  With that permission change, users will still be able to manipulate the files under the folder but they won't be able to rename, move, or delete the folder itself.