Our Archive Uploader is a Java applet-powered upload widget that maintains a persistent connection with your FolderGrid domain to support efficient uploads of folder trees as a single compressed file. Many corporate environments disable or otherwise make Java applets difficult to access - but if you are able to launch Java applets on your workstation then you can open the Archive Uploader by clicking the button on the toolbar of the standard upload widget as shown below:

The button labeled "Open Archive Uploader" will direct you to an Archive Uploader configured for upload to your currently selected folder. You will be prompted to verify your password and may need to approve launching the Java applet by agreeing to one or more security prompts.

Once your Archive Uploader instance is running - you'll see a screen similar to the following:

Simply drag and folder over the Archive Uploader window and it will be added to the queue for upload. Once you've added all the content you intend to upload, click the up-arrow icon in the bottom left and your folders will be zipped as archives and uploaded to the previously selected target folder.