FolderGrid captures and displays dates & times in two formats:
- All datetimes delivered by FolderGrid are GMT by default and use the format defined by RFC1123
- All timestamps are delivered and accepted in Unix time (POSIX time)
The two datetimes for each file are:
- created - the date and time at which FolderGrid first became aware of this file (when it was first provisioned)
- updated - the date and time at which FolderGrid processed any change to the metadata (name, permissions, parent folder, etc...) of this file
- source-created - the time when the file content was originally created
- source-updated - the time when the file content was last updated / modified
Note: files secured by uploading them through the WebApp will not be provisioned with a source-updated or source-created timestamp due to web browser limitations. Those timestamps can be applied after upload using direct calls to the FolderGrid API or by leveraging another API interface.